5 Easy Readings for Winter Holiday Season

November comes to a close, and December awaits patiently around the corner. After all the madness with preparations, one wants to unwind and relax in a very cosy environment, full of candles and Christmas scents. We have prepared for you a short list of easy reads for this year’s Holiday Season, especially as the 2020 world seems a bit more limited than our normal seasonal endeavours. 

Are you ready? Let’s proceed!

  1. You Are What You Eat – Gillian McKeith 
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Even though it was published in 2004, You Are What You Eat is more relevant today than ever before. Paying attention to our diet is an even more growing trend nowadays than it was at the time of publishing this book, especially as it has been proved that fast food and other fast processed meals might have a daunting effect upon our physical health and also on our mental health. Gillian McKeith has seen some controversy from this book that has been later transformed into a TV series by channel4, and most of that controversy stemmed from critique about how Gillian chose to market herself as a “doctor”. Even though she is a nutritionist, not a doctor per se, the advice within the pages of this book, might seem even more relevant to be pursued during winter’s holidays as sometimes we forget about diets around this time of the year. 

  1. The masterworks of Monet – Douglas Mannering 

This is a masterpiece in terms of illustration books that reveals the hidden nature of Monet’s life. As impressive as it is, you might find out some awe-inspiring marketing techniques that the painter himself employed for the likes of poets, novelists, politicians, sponsors and even fellow branch artists. Entangled between reality and fiction, Monet has previously had a wondrous interaction with the named fellows and the book depicts his human nature like no other book, while also preserving a great patrimony of his original paintings, and a couple of forges. Most of the Monet forges were not included into this publication as more than 2000 pieces are hidden within secret vaults in Russia. The Masterworks of Monet proves to be ideal for a wintery day coupled with mulled wine, for a refreshing escape from the global pandemics, and into the world of the 1800s impressionist movement. 

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  1. Visible Thought 
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Whether we know it or not, our body is an endless stream of signals for any given human interaction. Dwelling on psychological research, mainstream media and modern advertising, Beattie’s account in the Visible Though reflects his proficient opinion in regards to human gestures. In this book the author takes us even on a historical journey, as far as Cicero’s days towards the more modern times of Chomsky’s. His argument is different from the popular thought where body language is a side effect of communication, but instead it primes us with the addition or constriction of gestures as a way to reveal our inner thoughts. The book is intended as an easy and provocative read for all humans who want to understand when they are being lied to or when things are not as the narrator wants to portray. On this account, this Christmas you can look forward to becoming a body language detective, after reading this volume which you can in turn put to use on all your known relatives and their seasonal stories. 

  1. Magnificent Horses of the World Andalusian Horses – picture book 

Another great addition to your library is this amazing illustrated book about spanish horses. Filled with visual accounts with the free spirited animals in the wild, this volume sparks a dear for all equestrian lovers. Even though you don’t have a passion for horses, this book will prove to be nice and relaxing and will make you discover new and intriguing facts about some of the wild breeds. This holiday season you can unwind on the beautiful places and animals of Andalusian shores, taking away with you most interesting facts about wild horses. 

Image Source: Pexels.com
  1. Life – Martha Holmes

When it comes to the winter holiday readings, fast and sweet will cut it, given the limited time for ourselves. Martha Holmes succeeds by this brilliantly written account to shed light on animal behaviour and on all their major subgroups. Taking us on a journey of animals and their survival strategies, Martha looks into reptilian killers to insects, long distance migratory birds to hunter mammals and even into the homo sapiens breed. On this particular occasion, Mrs Holmes has provided extensive details about all categories mentioned earlier and surprises us with incredible story accounts of those animal’s survival mechanisms. As we have mentioned numerous times how wonderful this book is, we can convince you of our statements when you check the narrated film version, picked up by sir David Attenborough and recognised as the best documentary on numerous movie awards lists. 

Image Source: Pexels.com

Hope you will enjoy this holiday season next to our recommended books.

Check our main website for other interesting titles you might enjoy during this winter!

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